Tuesday, July 30, 2024

《没有监护人的问题》PART 1

某年某月某一天 (should be 每一天)
有个si kina 👺
整天就是“手机”!“手机”!“手机”! 📱

偏偏,最宠他的父母都不在了 😢
谁会承担照顾这个si kina的责任呢 ❓❓❓

请一起欣赏《没有监护人的问题》短剧 PART 1️⃣

Monday, July 15, 2024

Do you have a fence?

A person's estate without a will is therefore, just like a garden without a fence.

Leaving a note behind or just telling someone what your wishes for asset distribution is not recognized according to the Wills Act 1959. Some


问问自己:           是否要您的配偶和孩子被昂贵的遗产分配费和遗产管理上的延误所负累 再问问自己:           是否要让您的受益人为了昂贵的遗产管理费而争吵? 在以上的各项问题中,如果你的答案是NO,那,

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