Friday, November 15, 2024

Where to keep and Where to find?

Whenever I approach someone to keep their will in our company, people always ask:
??? Why can't I just keep it at my house?
??? I can always keep it at my lawyer's firm
??? Can I bury it somewhere my family doesn't know?
??? Why must a will kept? Can't it just keep it as a usual document?
??? Why do I need to pay so much for your company only to keep my will?
... ... ...

Well, you can always keep your will at any place you prefer. 
Just the matter, is it safe enough? 
Will there be someone who would like to amend the content? 
Will your family know where you keep to get it when you pass away?

I don't think you're going to hang your will in your living hall to let every guest view it. 
And I don't think is a good idea to keep it without being able to reach by anyone.



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