Sunday, May 6, 2018

Common Mistakes When Writing a Will (4)

Some people will think, anyone can be executor. Some just appoint whoever close to them as Guardian of their children.

Questions is, is the person really suitable to be your executor? Is he / she has the time to execute the Will? Is the Guardian being appoint able to take care of your children if nothing much you can pay them?

7. Appointing Unsuitable Executors
The role of an executor may be challenging for someone. They will need to manage the estate (assets of the deceased), appoint a lawyer to apply for probate, deal with the court, collect assets, pay outstanding debts etc. Sometimes the executor may have to use their own money first to pay for legal fees to obtain your probate.

If the person you choose were not informed at the point when you wrote your Will, they may not be willing to take up the role and may renounce the appointment. They are not under any legal obligation to be your executor.

HOW TO PREVENT THIS – Think through before selecting your executors. It is good idea to name backup executors in the event any of your executors choose not to act.

BEST SOLUTION - Appoint Rockwills as your executor. Although there will be administrative charges during the execution period, however, Rockwills had been in this field for years, it'll be much easier for them to handle the execution task fast & easy.

8. Choose Your Guardian Wisely
Guardians look after the well-being of your children. The important point is to choose someone who you know will properly care for your children and someone who is willing to take on the task.

HOW TO PREVENT THIS – Discuss with guardians prior to appointing them and have backup guardians.

BEST SOLUTION - Check with those who agreed to be guardians. Is he / she willing to take on the task.

CONTACT ME NOW: 016-6825195

1. - 10 Most Common Mistakes When Writing a Will, and How to Avoid Them

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