Sunday, February 24, 2019

Save money now to Spend MORE money in future???

Many people like to ask "How much to do a Will?" instead of "How to protect my assets?"

Do you more concern about the asset you accumulate hardly for the whole life or just to concern about the few hundreds or perhaps few thousands that needed to get a complete Will that can help you to protect ALL THE ASSETS you earned?

Thursday, February 14, 2019

When should you Review your Will

Someone said, we recommend our clients to review their Will often is because we want to earn more. In fact, reviewing Will is for the testator's beneficiaries, not for us as estate planner. There's nothing for us to get from the estate.

Reviewing Will is to make sure you are leaving GIFTs for your loves, instead of leaving DEBTs and PROBLEMs for them.

Monday, February 4, 2019




我们要做的不是will writing

CONTACT ME NOW: 016-6825195

Source: 《全家私房钱》- 立遗嘱真的是有钱人的专利吗?听钱家爸妈怎么说!


在接触遗嘱之前,我读到关于“盖棺定论”。 也就是因为这个话题,让我毅然决定要为自己立遗嘱,也因此,我加入了乐委,我希望能用这个知识帮助身边更多的人。 试问自己图里所列出的几道问题,你的答案是什么? 我最在意的其中几个问题之一——在离去之前活出你想要的人生,对你来说很重要还是不重要...

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