Thursday, August 15, 2024

Why need a will?

Thinking of why do I need a will?
Why is this crazy KC talking about Will at such a young age?
Isn't it Will is for oldies?

DYING does not only happen in old age, but it could happen to any one of us at any time & any place!
In Malay, there is a proverb, "malang tak berbau", which means ~ an accident has no "smell". Yes, we don't know when we are leaving the world.

Since uncertainty is the truth of life.
A will is not only a NEED, but I would rather say, it is a MUST!

Here's the reason why we need a will:
  1. Clear & unambiguous instructions
  2. Appointing the people you trust to administer your estate
  3. Legacies
  4. Protection for unmarried cohabitants
  5. Life interests
  6. Marriage, Divorcees and Re-marriage
    * a bit different from other countries, in Malaysia, divorce will not nullify your will, but surely you  would like to make some arrangement for your asset distribution to protect your own family
  7. Funeral arrangements [but I don't really recommend you to do so in your will]

Info source:
[There are not everything we can refer from here, as we have different law from country to country]
Contact me for more info about Wills & Trust in Malaysia

CONTACT ME NOW: 016-6825195

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