Sunday, September 15, 2024

PPT - I am not talking about powerpoint, but Private Purpose Trust

You have many insurance policies, and what do you think if "someday" happens, your beneficiaries receive everything altogether.

In fact, what will happen? Will the money help or ruin their life? Will they live better or worse?

What if ~ you met an accident, and fortunately, you are still alive, but unfortunately, you're in a coma or disabled or MISSING??!
Will your insurance policies help you & your beneficiaries at this moment?
What can you do with it, for yourself and also your family?

Read more about the objective and how a private purpose trust can help here.
You may contact me anytime: 016-6825195

Source: Rockwills Corporation Sdn Bhd.

CONTACT ME NOW: 016-6825195

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